This bothers me for quite some time so I’ll skip straight to the point.
Quite often people don’t seem to realize what QC is. The situation with TLC is
similar but here I want to focus on QC.
QC is when translation is ready, you only need to check for typos or other
non-TL related bugs. Or some other things you may have forgotten!
If you ask people to modify words or sentences, especially with giving them direct
access to the scripts to make modifications, this is called editing.
That said, maybe they do realize what QC is but are afraid that their TL sux so
they are looking for more opportunities to fix it up?
In any case, to do editing is to:
Prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it… …Change (text) on a computer.
And quality control aka QC:
is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer.
In plain English: you act as a normal user/customer but you are prepared that weird shit may happen. And when it does, you report it to someone who can clean it up. Unlike editing, QC doesn’t even require one to have some specific skills.
It’s not a rocket science, there is no need to mix these things up. There shouldn’t be a need to define these positions. They were defined by the industry long before VN translation was even a common thing.